

A new sensor with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi was developed in 2023 in two versions: for sports and biomechanics. We now have the ability to transfer data online. Mubatec specialists have developed the first version of the software for mobile phones. A lot of research work and a series of experiments on golf course were also carried out, which made it possible to improve calculation algorithms. Work continues to improve the new Mubatec indenter to physically determine yield stress from indentation diagram. Preparations have begun for Control 2024 in Stuttgart.


Happy New Year to all our partners and buyers of our equipment! We wish you good health and good luck in realizing your plans in New Year.


Mubatec participated in the Control 2023 Exhibition at Stuttgart (Hall 9, booth 9212). We organized the stand as two testing laboratories, so that we could not only show the developments, but also demonstrate their work to anyone. The first zone was dedicated to our new Mubatec HU indenter and hardness testers. The second zone was devoted to the biomechanics project, in particular the golf swing tests, as well as the assessment of the musculoskeletal system by gait analyse. To do this, a special automated treadmill was installed at the stand, on which express tests were carried out.


Work was continued to improve hardware and software. Software has been completed for monitoring the state of the human musculoskeletal system in the process of recovery after hip replacement surgery, followed by the development of recommendations for more effective rehabilitation. Work continued on Mubatec's βsensor Sport for analysing Swing strike in golf, and search software was developed with the ability to transmit experiment data via Bluetooth. We will demonstrate both Mubatec βSensor Sport and Gang sensors at our stand on special simulators.


Work was carried out to improve the new elliptical type of indenter - Mubatec Indenter. Experiments were carried out on different steels and was developed new commercial software that allows physically reasoned determination of the yield strength of a material from an indentation diagram with elliptical type indenter. Mubatec HU with new indenter will be presented at the exhibition Control 2023. We will be glad to present devices and new methods. Our guests are welcome to bring their structural steel samples for blind tests.


In 2022 Mubatec participated in the Control exhibition in Stuttgart after a two-year break. As a result of the exhibition, constructive conclusions were made. Work was organized in two main directions: improvement of Mubatec HU series hardness testers and software; development of new methods for analyse of Human Locomotion using Mubatec βSensor.


В начале мая мы приняли участие в выставке Control в Штутгарте. Это первая выставка после пандемии. Посетителей было не так много, как обычно, но все прошло хорошо. На нашем стенде было много посетителей, и, конечно, мы встретили там наших старых друзей и коллег. На этот раз мы представили две версии универсального твердомера MUBATEC HU с новым индентором, который мы разработали во время пандемии. Новый индентор позволяет напрямую измерять предел текучести материала, что значительно расширяет возможности нашего твердомера.


Mubatec успешно развивает новый проект в области исследования биомеханики. Проект имеет несколько прикладных направлений - медицинское, спортивное, а так же позволяет контролировать уровень усталости в течении времени.


Компания MUBATEC начала подготовку On-Line курсов для инженеров, работающих на атомных электростанциях. Мы планируем подготовить недельный курс по механике разрушения оборудования и трубопроводов. Пятидневный курс из 2 лекций и 2 лабораторных работ в день. Курс будет содержать много интерактивного материала и примеров анализа аварий. Лекции и лабораторные работы составят единый материал. Курс будет подготовлен к сентябрю и представлен на рассмотрение МАГАТЭ


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