A new sensor with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi was developed in 2023 in two versions: for sports and biomechanics. We now have the ability to transfer data online. Mubatec specialists have developed the first version of the software for mobile phones. A lot of research work and a series of experiments on golf course were also carried out, which made it possible to improve calculation algorithms. Work continues to improve the new Mubatec indenter to physically determine yield stress from indentation diagram. Preparations have begun for Control 2024 in Stuttgart.

Partners and clients of the MUBATEC

Happy New Year to all our partners and buyers of our equipment! We wish you good health and good luck in realizing your plans in New Year.
Mubatec participated in the Control 2023 Exhibition at Stuttgart (Hall 9, booth 9212). We organized the stand as two testing laboratories, so that we could not only show the developments, but also demonstrate their work to anyone. The first zone was dedicated to our new Mubatec HU indenter and hardness testers. The second zone was devoted to the biomechanics project, in particular the golf swing tests, as well as the assessment of the musculoskeletal system by gait analyse. To do this, a special automated treadmill was installed at the stand, on which express tests were carried out.